Please feel free to use the following frequently asked questions as a guide to help you on your journey through our website!
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This is a preview of the Online Banking site.
Q: Are my deposit accounts FDIC insured?
A: Yes! Each individual customer's account is insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per account.
Q: How do I set up Direct Deposit of my payroll check?
A: After your checking application has been approved, you will receive our routing and transit number and your account number. If your employer participates in a direct deposit program, simply provide this information to the human resources or payroll department at your company, and your direct deposit will usually begin within thirty days.
Q: How do I set up Direct Deposit of my Social Security check?
A: After your checking application has been approved, you will receive our routing and transit number and your account number. Simply contact us, and have your Social Security Number and account information available to set up your direct deposit right over the phone.
Q: Can I get information about my account by phone?
A: Yes! Account information is available with our Customer Service Representatives during business hours at any of our offices.
Q: Is interest paid on my checking account?
A: Yes! If you want a checking account that pays a market rate of interest, check out our Reward Checking account.
Q: Can I open an account if I don't live in the United States? What if I live in the United States but am not a citizen yet?
A: At this time, we only accept applications from persons residing within the United States with valid U.S. tax identification numbers (Social Security Numbers). Online applications are only accepted from existing account holders or persons residing in the state of Kansas and in Haskell, Kiowa, Ford or Clark counties. If you have questions, contact us. We'd like to hear from you.
Q: Can I do all of my banking with you?
A: Yes! Thanks to the convenience of Online Banking, Direct Deposit and ATMs, everyday banking activities can be performed on your own time. Contact us with questions about your banking needs.
Q: Can I look at all of my transactions at any time?
A: Yes! With Online Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Q: How frequently is my information updated?
A: Your account information is updated every business day with new transactions that posted to your account the previous day.
Q: Are wire transfers possible to and from my checking account?
A: Yes! Funds can be transferred to and from accounts by wire transfer or via ACH (Automated Clearing House) debits or credits. Contact us for details.
Q: How do I make a deposit to my account from a remote location?
A: You can do most of your banking by using direct deposit, ATMs or ACH (Automated Clearing House) transactions. We also offer a bank-by-mail service, which allows you to mail non-recurring deposits. Contact us for details on a method that's best for you.
Q: When do I have access to use Internet Banking?
A: With Online Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Q: What is Online Banking?
A: Online Banking is a tool that allows you to use a personal computer with an Internet connection to conduct your banking online.
Q: What can I do with Online Banking?
A: You can view account balances and transaction history, transfer money, and download transactions to a personal financial manager and much more.
Q: Is any of my personal information stored in the Online Banking product?
A: Yes, the Online Banking product stores your User ID, password and user preferences. If you keep a stock portfolio, that information is also stored.
Q: How current is my banking information?
A: Your account information is updated every business day with new transactions that were posted to your account the previous business day.
Q: What accounts will I be able to access through Online Banking?
A: You can access your checking, savings, investment and loan accounts from the Online Banking service. Our Online Banking Product is intended to give you as much access, security, and versatility as possible.
Q: How much account information can I view at once?
A: The system will automatically show the current month's transactions and information. However, by selecting User Preferences, you can choose to view the current month and the previous month. Or, you can choose to view your account from the current date to same date of the previous month.
Q: Can I view my account details in more than one way?
A: Yes, you can view your accounts by date, check number, payee, amount or balance in ascending or descending order.
Q: What formats can I download my transaction history in?
A: Online Banking supports downloads to Quicken™, Microsoft Money™ or as a comma-delimited text file.
Q: Can I schedule future transfers?
A: Yes, you may schedule transfers between your accounts with the bank to occur on a future date.
Q: When can I use Online Banking services?
A: With Online Banking, you have access to your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Q: How long can I be inactive before being logged out of the Online Banking product?
A: The inactivity time out default is set for 20 minutes. However, you can define the timeout period in the User Options area for 5, 10, 20, 45 or 60 minutes.
Q: What is required to use the Online Banking service?
A: All you need to use Online Banking is a secure browser that supports 128 bit encryption, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer®, Netscape Navigator® or American Online®. You can use any computer that has Internet access.
Q: How do I access Online Banking?
A: You must first complete the Online Banking registration form and submit it to us. Once your registration is received and processed you will receive an email of acceptance, but you must wait to sign in until the following day. You will make your own password and customer number during the registration process that you will use to sign into your Online Banking profile. You must have an existing checking, savings or loan account before banking online.
Q: Can I create my own password that is easy for me to remember?
A: Yes. You may also go to User Options and change your password.
Q: What happens if I forget or lose my password?
A: Just click on the link to reset your password, simply answer your security questions that are in place. If you still have trouble just give us a call and we will take you through the steps needed to get back into the system immediately!
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
What this means for you:
When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.
Para ayudar al gobierno luchar contra los que financean el terrorismo y actividades de lavado de dinero, la ley Federal aplica a todas las institucions financieras obtener, verificar, y registrar informacion que identifique a cada persona que abra una cuenta.
Que quiere decir esto para usted:
cuando abra una cuenta, le vamos a preguntar por su nombre, direccion, fecha de nacimiento, y otra informacion que nos pueda ayudar a identificarlo a usted. Tambien vamos a pedir ver su licencia de conducir o otro documento de identificacion.
Welcome to the Online Banking preview course.
Online banking gives you the ability to check your personal account balances, view your transaction history, make payments on loans, set alerts, and more.
Throughout this course use the pause button to pause this video if you would like to review a few of the features of Online Banking. If you choose to pause the video remember to click the "Play" button when you are ready to continue.
Let’s begin by logging on:
Upon logging on, you have multiple resources available. The initial view will be of all of your accounts.
To the left multiple options are available which will allow you to transfer funds, sign up for mobile banking, change your account preferences, and correspond with the bank.
The Account Summary screen is the landing page for the Online Banking system.
It displays a general overview of you accounts as well as notifications, Account Summary options, and financial tools.
Selecting an account, displays the selected accounts running balance for the last 30-days, along with any checks and their images.
If you are searching for a transaction that is past the 30-day window, a filter transactions option is available to change the displayed transactions.
Additionally, the Search option gives you the ability to search the displayed transactions using keywords or amounts.
To the right, Account Summary and Display Options are available letting you quickly transfer funds, change the account that is being viewed, or reset the display.
Nest lest take a look at the Accounts Menu:
The Accounts Menu displays 3 options.
The Account Summary is used to navigate you back to the landing page.
The Transactions search option is used to search for transactions in a variety of categories, and multiple accounts if applicable.
The Account Alerts option, allows you to view alerts that have already been established, along with create new alerts, and edit the time text alerts will be sent.
Alerts can be set based on an account balance, CD maturity date, loan payment due date, or pending transactions.
Next let’s look at the Transfer option:
With Online Banking you have the capability to transfer funds, make loan payments, create transfers to an external account, and view transfer history.
Simply select the account the transfer is originating from, going to, and the amount.
Notice that if your financial institution allows external accounts, there will be an additional heading in the drop down.
Next, select the frequency for this transfer.
Multiple options display, giving you the ability to create a single transfer, a one-time future transfer, or a schedule recurring transfer.
When you select the "Future Scheduled" option, additional fields display allowing you to indicate how often to process the transaction along with the beginning and ending date.
Additionally, if the date you select falls you a holiday, you have the option to indicate if the transfer will occur the business day before, or after the holiday.
If the transfer type selected is for a Loan Account, select the type of payment.
Options display based on your financial institution.
If desired, enter a description in the "Memo Field".
Next is the Bill Payment option:
This option will only display if your bank offers Online Bill Pay.
This option will give you the ability to navigate to Bill Pay, along with update Person and Account Information.
The next option, Text Banking, is used to sign up for Text banking.
Text Banking gives you the ability to receive summary information and balances for all enabled accounts.
It also allows you to message directly with a designated bank contact, along with receiving summary and balance information for specified accounts, via text message.
The next option, Cash Management, will only display if your financial institution offers a Cash Management solution.
Access to this option is based on permissions established at the financial institution level.
Cash Management allows you to create and manage ACH transactions directly within Online Banking.
The preferences menu is used to establish and maintain security and internet options for Online Banking.
These options include maintaining the login name and password, along with the ability to give accounts a friendly name, or create secondary users.
The last option, Correspondence, displays any recent messages form the bank.
When selected, the full message displays.
For additional questions regarding Online Banking, or to sign up please contact a representative at your financial institution.
Congratulations, you have successfully completed this training.
If you wish to make a change to your login or accounts, please contact us at 620-675-8611. Username and password information may be deleted upon request, however, deleting this information will revoke your online banking access. Information such as your usage history, account information, and banking activity will be retained in compliance with regulatory guidelines.