Commercial Checking
- Cost of checks to open
- No transaction limitations
- A monthly maintenance fee of $5.00 will be assessed if the daily balance falls below $500.00
- $0.15 per withdrawal
- $0.08 foreign item deposit fee (items not drawn on Centera Bank)
- $0.30 earnings credit per $100.00 Average Collected Balance*
Commercial NOW Checking
- $1,500.00 minimum balance to open account
- A monthly maintenance fee of $5.00 will be assessed if the daily balance falls below $1,500.00
- Interest bearing
- $0.15 per withdrawal
- $0.08 foreign item deposit fee (items not drawn on Centera Bank)
- $0.30 earnings credit per $100.00 Average Collected Balance*
- Corporations, Partnerships, and Associations for profit may not open this account
* The Average Collected Balance is the sum of the daily collected balances of an account divided by the number of days in the period being measured. The credit is not to exceed the service fees incurred for each monthly cycle.